I’m not a feminist
I am a fully emancipated woman
A warrior and a fighter
Self propelled
self reliant
and curious
I am the cat
that came back
And this modern feminism
is not the model I’m looking for
At times it sounds like a mad house of hate
and confusion,
that is empty and ignorant.
First of all, I love men
I absolutely love my father, my four brothers, my once husband, my sons
They gave so much to me
they contributed to the making of who I am
And I love who I am today.
I was raised to respect men.
I continue to grow and learn more about myself
because of their presence in my life.
It’s wonderful to see that my brothers are growing too
No more the boys I used to play with and fight with
but grown men with stable warm families
men who are responsible, caring, intelligent and creative
always funny with rich sense of humour.
I’m not a feminist
I’m more like my brothers,
more like my father and my mother
and all the generations that preceded me
I am simply me
And I like cats